To become an SAC Registered Clinical Supervisor (RCS), only SAC Registered Counsellors (RC) can submit an application via email.
- A one-time admin fee of $50.00 is applicable for the application of Registered Clinical Supervisor.
- Minimum three (3) years post-SAC Registered Counsellor (RC) status
- Current SAC Registered Counsellor (RC) with membership dues paid up to date
- At least five (5) years of experience as a professional counsellor
- Provide log sheets demonstrating minimum 1,500 post-graduation practice hours, of which at least 50 hours were for the provision of supervision (which can only be clocked during/after the training in clinical supervision). Log sheets must be endorsed by the Head of Organisation or equivalent. Clinical Supervisors can endorse such logs only if s/he is a staff member of the Organisation and authorised by the Head to do so.
- Provide log sheets demonstrating minimum 100 hours of supervision received. Log sheets must be endorsed by the Clinical Supervisor, who is RC/RCS/equivalent.
- Completed minimum fifty (50) hours of training in clinical supervision.
Documents to be submitted via email to
- Application Form
- SAC Registered Clinical Supervisor (RCS) Summary Sheet
- PDF copies of your counselling log sheet
- Minimum 1500 post-graduation Practice Hours, of which at least 50 hours were for the provision of supervision
- 1500 hours is inclusive of those submitted during the admission as a Clinical Member / Registered Counsellor (600 hours).
- Log sheets must be endorsed by the Head of Organisation or equivalent. Clinical supervisors can endorse such logs only if s/he is a staff member of the Organisation and authorised by the Head to do so.
- PDF copies of your clinical supervision log sheet
- Minimum one hundred (100) hours of supervision received post-graduation of which sixty (60) hours would have been completed as a Registered Counsellor
- Log sheets must be endorsed by an SAC Registered Clinical Supervisor / Registered Counsellor or equivalent
- If you have multiple supervisors, please use separate log sheets for each supervisor
- PDF copies of your Training in Clinical Supervision certificates (minimum fifty (50) hours)
- PDF copies of your academic transcript(s) and certificate(s) from universities
- Post-graduation certificates of qualification that were accepted for admission as a SAC Registered Counsellor
- Have a valid Professional Indemnity Insurance (“PI”) cover from your company or insured under SAC’s Medical Malpractice “MedMal” Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance (New Requirement w.e.f. March 2015 – Please see Article 5.5 of the SAC Constitution). You can also apply for exemption by completing an exemption form.
Click here to download a PDF copy of criteria for application as an SAC Registered Clinical Supervisor.
*2-Yearly Renewal of Registered Clinical Supervisor Status
Currently, the Board does not require any submissions of renewal applications, and thus registrant will just need to ensure the following:-
- Have an active Registered Counsellor status
- Have a valid Professional Indemnity Insurance