Membership Categories & Criteria

Fellow Member

  • Fellow membership shall be conferred through nomination and approval at Annual General Meeting.
  • Fellow membership shall be jointly nominated by at least three (3) Fellow, Master Clinical or Clinical members and proposed as an agenda item at Annual General Meeting.
  • A Fellow member shall have fulfilled all the following requirements:
    1. Be a member in good standing
    2. Holds the Master Clinical Membership for a minimum of ten (10) years.
    3. Has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of counselling knowledge or practice either by research, teaching, publications or clinical work (Published journal papers, chapters, books, conference presentations, established clinical practice, teaching awards etc).
    4. Has performed distinctive service to the Association (Executive committee, Subcommittees, Organising committees, Standing committees etc).
  • Fellow members shall be entitled to use the post nominal letters: FSAC

A $20 administrative fee applies to any refunds processed for member-initiated changes, including but not limited to withdrawals, cancellations, modifications, corrections, overpayments, or accidental fee transfers, when a refund is applicable.

Master Clinical Member

  • The Master Clinical membership is granted through application to and approval by the Executive Committee.
  • Application for Master Clinical membership is via the online portal and  supported by at least three (3) Fellow, Master Clinical or Clinical members.
  • Application for Master Clinical membership is to be accompanied by documentary proof of training and supervision hours conducted by applicant.
  • A Master Clinical member shall have fulfilled all the following requirements:
    1. Be a member in good standing
    2. Holds the Clinical Membership for a minimum of five (5) years.
    3. Holds the registration on the SAC Register of Counsellors for a minimum of 4 years.
    4. Has conducted 100 hours of training / supervision in counselling.
  •  Master Clinical members shall be entitled to use the post nominal letters: MMSAC

A $20 administrative fee applies to any refunds processed for member-initiated changes, including but not limited to withdrawals, cancellations, modifications, corrections, overpayments, or accidental fee transfers, when a refund is applicable.

Clinical Member

  1. Clinical Membership is granted through online application and approval by the Executive Committee.
  2. Application for Clinical Membership is done via the online portal and supported by two (2) character referees.
  3. A Clinical Member shall have fulfilled all the following requirements:
    1. Completed an SAC Recognised Programme or its equivalent (refer to more submission details below); and
    2. Achieved 600 hours of counselling; and
    3. Completed 60 hours of Clinical Supervision
  4. Clinical members shall be entitled to use the post-nominal letters: CMSAC
Kindly note that your application will only be processed once both your character referees have completed their endorsement. To prevent any delay, please ensure that the email address of your character referees are accurately provided. Do also remind your character referees to check their spam/junk folder in case our system-generated email from may have landed up there by mistake.
The first round of review will be done by the secretariat team to ensure that all your documents are in place. Thereafter, it will be tabled for review by the Register Board. If there are no further issues, your application will be tabled for approval before the SAC EXCO and an official invoice will follow. The entire process generally takes 1-2 months on average.
A $20 administrative fee applies to any refunds processed for member-initiated changes, including but not limited to withdrawals, cancellations, modifications, corrections, overpayments, or accidental fee transfers, when a refund is applicable.

Please prepare all the necessary supporting documents in PDF / JPG format.

  1. Passport size photo
  2. Current letter of employment and corresponding job description (counselling related)
  3. Official certificate and transcript from an SAC recognised programme
    1. Non-SAC recognised programmes – please submit the following additional documents:
      1. SAC Counselling Log sheet documenting 100 hrs face-to-face and 10 hrs of Clinical Supervision (hours to be broken down into individual sessions) achieved in the midst of programme; and
      2. Detailed description of programme, including but not restricted to module descriptions, duration per modules, etc. available on official website or entry documents.
      3. Evidence that the programme is recognised by the local counselling body
  4. 600 hrs face-to-face counselling hours log sheets acknowledged by the Head of Agency or equivalent.
    1. The intended registrant must complete six hundred (600) hours of counselling within a minimum period of two (2) years, subject to a maximum of three (3) years. This time period need not start immediately after graduation but must consist of one (1) block period of time that is completed within seven (7) years upon graduation, beyond which, the Register of Counsellors Board shall have discretion to make recommendations to the Executive Committee on a case-by-case basis. The six hundred (600) hours may be provided via face-to-face or video means. The proportion of hours provided via video means should not exceed three hundred (300). The recording of hours will begin only when coursework has been completed, and that only hours clocked within the most recent three (3) years from the date of intended membership application will be accepted. The supervision must be provided by a SAC Registered Counsellor or SAC Registered Clinical Supervisor or its equivalent. The supervision will consist of at least one (1) hour of supervision for each ten (10) hours of counselling practice.
    2. Text, phone, and email counselling hours cannot and will not be accepted.
  5. 60 hrs of Clinical Supervision supported by an SAC Registered Counsellor (RC) or Registered Clinical Supervisor (RCS)
    1. Supervision must be provided by a SAC Registered Counsellor or SAC Registered Clinical Supervisor or its equivalent. The supervision will consist of at least one (1) hour of supervision for each ten (10) hours of counselling practice.
    2. Please note that w.e.f 1 January 2015, the ratio for Group Clinical Supervision versus Individual Clinical Supervision is 70:30, i.e., equivalent to a maximum of 42 hours of Group Supervision and a minimum of 18 hours of Individual Supervision.
  6. Non-SAC Registered Supervisors
    1. For supervision hours clocked with a non-SAC Registered Counsellor (RC) / Registered Clinical Supervisor (RCS), please submit a copy of the CV together with the log sheets and online application form for evaluation. Approval or rejection is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    2. Application must be submitted with all documents intact. We regret that we are unable to pre-approve CVs submitted via email prior to receiving the membership application.
    3. It is important to note that approval for external supervisors does not set a precedent for all future applicants, as we continually adapt to changes in the professional landscape in Singapore.

Click here to sign up as a Clinical Member

Provisional Clinical Member (PCM)

  • Provisional Clinical membership (PCM) is granted through application to and approval by the Executive Committee.
  • Application for Provisional Clinical membership is via online portal and supported by two (2) characters referees.
  • Application is to be accompanied by a declaration of intent in working towards registration on the SAC Register of Counsellors on the online portal (3-year timeline).
Kindly note that your application will only be processed once both your character referees have completed their endorsement. To prevent any delay, please ensure that the email address of your character referees are accurately provided. Do also remind your character referees to check their spam/junk folder in case our system generated email from may have landed up there by mistake.The first round of review will be done by the secretariat team to ensure that all your documents are in place. Thereafter, it will be tabled for review by the Register Board. If there are no further issues, your application will be tabled for approval before the SAC EXCO and an official invoice will follow. The entire process generally takes 1-2 months on average.
A $20 administrative fee applies to any refunds processed for member-initiated changes, including but not limited to withdrawals, cancellations, modifications, corrections, overpayments, or accidental fee transfers, when a refund is applicable.


A Provisional Clinical member shall have fulfilled all the following requirements:

    1. Be a member in good standing;
    2. Has completed an SAC Recognised Programme; and
    3. Is working towards registration on the SAC Register of Counsellors (within 3 years from the date of approval of membership).


For Provisional Clinical membership application, you will need to upload the following documents in PDF/JPG format on the portal:

    1. Passport Photo;
    2. Certificate(s) and corresponding transcript(s); and
    3. Letter of current employment and corresponding job description (counselling related).
    4. Practicum log sheets (100 clinical + 10 supervision hours) clocked as part of an SAC recognised programme


Please refer to Article of the Constitution to work towards being a Registered Counsellor (RC). As stipulated, you can commence the recording of hours when coursework has been completed, and this should be completed within three (3) years from the date of approval as a Provisional Clinical Member (PCM).

Please note that w.e.f January 1 2015, the ratio for Group Clinical Supervision versus Individual Clinical Supervision is 70:30, i.e. equivalent to a maximum of 42 hours of Group Supervision and a minimum of 18 hours of Individual Supervision.

Click here to sign up as a Provisional Clinical Member

Allied Member

  • Allied membership is granted through application to and approval by the Executive Committee.
  • Application for Allied membership is via online portal and supported by two (2) character referees.
  • An Allied member shall have fulfilled all the following requirements:
    1. Holds an undergraduate / postgraduate degree in Counselling, Human Services, Psychology, Social Work or its equivalent; and
    2. Is working in a counselling-related position
  • For Allied membership application, you will need to upload the following documents in PDF/JPG format on the portal:
    1. Passport Photo;
    2. Certificate(s) and corresponding transcript(s); and
    3. Letter of current employment and corresponding job description (strongly encouraged).

A $20 administrative fee applies to any refunds processed for member-initiated changes, including but not limited to withdrawals, cancellations, modifications, corrections, overpayments, or accidental fee transfers, when a refund is applicable.

Click here to sign up as a Allied Member

Associate Member

  • Associate membership is open to any person with a keen interest in counselling and holds a qualification at the tertiary level.
  • Associate membership is granted through online application to and approval by the Executive Committee.
  • Application for Associate membership is via online portal and supported by two (2) character referees.
  • Overseas and international practitioners may apply to in this category of membership.
  • For Associate membership application, you will need to upload the following documents in PDF/JPG format on the portal:
    1. Passport Photo
    2. Certificate(s) and corresponding transcript(s)
    3. Letter of current employment

A $20 administrative fee applies to any refunds processed for member-initiated changes, including but not limited to withdrawals, cancellations, modifications, corrections, overpayments, or accidental fee transfers, when a refund is applicable.

Click here to sign up as a Associate Member

Student Member

  • Student membership is granted through application to and approval by the Executive Committee.
  • Application for Student membership is via online portal and supported by two (2) character referees.
  • Student members shall be undertaking a SAC Recognised Programme at the time of application.
  • Application is to be accompanied by a Letter of Acceptance from the educational institution in which s/he is enrolled.
  • For Student membership application, you will need to upload the following documents in PDF/JPG format on the portal:
    1. Passport Photo; and
    2. Letter of Acceptance of an SAC Recognised Programme by the educational institution.

A $20 administrative fee applies to any refunds processed for member-initiated changes, including but not limited to withdrawals, cancellations, modifications, corrections, overpayments, or accidental fee transfers, when a refund is applicable.

Click here to sign up as a Student Member

Membership Fee Adjustment Notice (28 Nov 2024)

Dear Members,

Starting 1 January 2025, annual membership dues will increase by $10 each year through 2026. This has been approved at the 42nd Annual General Meeting held on 12 April 2024.

Below is the updated fee structure:

  Current (2024) Revised Fees
1st Jan 2025 1st Jan 2026
Master Clinical Member $80.00 $90.00 $100.00
Clinical Member $80.00 $90.00 $100.00
Provisional Clinical Member $80.00 $90.00 $100.00
Allied Member $80.00 $90.00 $100.00
Associate Member $80.00 $90.00 $100.00
Student Member $40.00 $45.00 $50.00

This adjustment is necessary to sustain the high-quality services and member benefits you currently enjoy. It also enables us to support the growth and long-term sustainability of our community.

We value your understanding and continued support as we work to enhance your membership experience. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at

Thank you for being a valued part of the Singapore Association for Counselling!

Download Membership Fees Adjustment Notice